“Paving Your Way to the Ivy League” Workshop Series

Posted by on June 3, 2009 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Many parents have asked us if Lyts could provide an education program for their children about gaining admission to top colleges rather than only educating parents. We value your suggestions highly and are glad to announce that we are planning to hold a two-part workshop series in July, entitled “Paving Your Way to the Ivy League.”

Our program goal is to two-fold: (1) to stimulate students’ ambitions for striving toward top universities by helping them to understand what advantages these colleges offer, and (2) to help students develop an effective personalized plan for fulfilling these ambitions. We will walk through real-life case studies of students who gained admission to top colleges, as well as help each student to develop a personalized plan of action for the college preparation process.

We are holding this workshop series for two separate age groups: middle school students and high school students. Each workshop series consists of two sessions (each session is two hours long). Classes are limited to 10 students and will take place in a mid-Westchester area.

Topics covered:

Middle School Students

  • Why do my parents keep pushing me toward the Ivy Leagues? What is life like at a top college?
  • What do colleges care about when selecting which students to admit?
  • What are effective strategies for achieving excellence in school grades, the SAT, extracurricular leadership, competition performance, and building good relationships with teachers and school administrators?
  • Starting from where I am in middle school now, and going through high school, what strengths should I develop and what weaknesses should I improve? What specific goals should I set for myself, and how can I go about reaching them?

High School Students

  • What advantages would I gain from attending a top college? What is life like at a top college?
  • What do colleges care about when selecting which students to admit?
  • What is the importance of school grades, class difficulty, standardized tests (SAT, SAT II, ACT, etc.), extracurricular leadership, competition awards, and building good relationships with teachers and school administrators? What are effective strategies for achieving excellence in those areas?
  • What is the college application process like, and how can I position myself best to the colleges I apply to? What should I write for my essay? What should I do during the interview? (Or, how can I start preparing for these parts of the process?)
  • What strengths and weaknesses should I develop? What specific goals should I set for myself, and how can I go about reaching them?

If interested, please email liming@lytscollegeprep.com.

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